CLYMER 1973-1981 900 & 1000cc Fours Kawasaki M359-3 MANUAL KAW 1000CCFOURS 73-81
CLYMER 1973-1981 900 & 1000cc Fours Kawasaki M359-3 MANUAL KAW 1000CCFOURS 73-81. The vendor part number is M359-3. Read title to know what you are getting. Catalog descrition… Kawasaki Z and KZ 900-1000cc Chain and Shaft Drive service and repair manual, 1973-1981 Includes C Series Police Models Clymer motorcycle repair manuals are the number one source for DIY enthusiasts requiring maintenance, troubleshooting and repair information From basic maintenance to troubleshooting to complete overhaul, Clymer manuals provide the information you need Covers Z1, KZ900, KZ1000, KZ1000 Std., KZ1000 Classic, KZ1000 Ltd., Z1R and KZ1000 C Series police models For more information on this product check out this video.